Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Octomom type Crime: 8-Month-old Fetus Cut From Body

Date: July 29, 2009

By Ignatius Reilly

Murdering a pregnant woman and cutting her baby from her womb. Is there any crime more shocking or more instinctively against our human nature?

Yet it is happening again and again throughout the country. Beginning with the highly publicized murder of Bobbi Jo Stinnett, we seem to be hearing more and more about crimes like this recently.

Now, Darlene Haynes, a 23-year-old pregnant woman, has been found dead in her apartment in Worcester, Massachusetts. Her 8-month-old fetus was cut from her womb and is currently missing.

Police officers found Darlene Haynes dead after her neighbors complained about a foul smell coming from her apartment yesterday.

Someone had killed her and put her in a closet in her apartment, wrapped in bed sheets. She had been dead for several days when police arrived. Since she was last seen on Thursday by friends, she may have been dead for as many as five days before anyone knew something was wrong.

During the autopsy, police realized that Haynes had been pregnant and that the fetus had been removed from her body.

Authorities believe that Haynes was murdered for her baby and that the murderer currently is in possession of the baby. The baby, if healthy, could survive for several days without medical attention, so it may still be alive.

This is a crime so horrible that I won’t even try to understand it. With so many babies who need homes in this world, a crime like this just doesn’t make any sense. I usually shrug off people who say the end of the world is near, but stories like this make me wonder.

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